
Punish the Wicked, O L-rd

On each link, scroll down for more: One Million+ Children Have Heart Damage from the Covid Shot We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition 100 kids aged 16-19 died suddenly ... And other stories you never used to hear Severe harms the Covid vaccine has caused to woman and babies The Sin of Silence Covid Shots and Cancer: It's REAL A Wide-Ranging Collection of Irrefutable Evidence: The Grave Harms Caused by the Covid Vaccines   Four Years In: A Survivor's Reflections on the Greatest Psychological Warfare Operation in History The Rise of a Deadly New Religion and its Crusade to Eliminate Non-Believers  Shedding of covid vaccine components to the unvaccinated The Return of Illegal Quarantine Camp Regulations SV40: On contamination, monkey viruses and their parts Latest Shocking COVID Revelations   8-Year-Old Vaccine Martyr Fake Pandemic, Real Democide Quarantine Camps Revisited Covid Judgment Day Pfizer’s former VP, Dr. Mike Yeadon, says this is democide Beyond Belief:

The Quotable Zionist Conspirator & The Redneck Rastafarian

The Redneck Rastafarian is one of America's great Southern writers. Literary talent pools disproportionately in the bottom half of our country. Meet the Gentile Joshua, a knowledgeable and pious Noahide for 35 years, AKA the Zionist Conspirator.   These are excerpts from his Redneck Rastafarian blog :  For much of my life I have racked my brain trying to understand where Judaism and chrstianity essentially differ. After all, Judaism is undeniably the religion of the Bible, the religion practiced by the ancient Israelites. If chrstianity is the divinely sanctioned successor to this religion then there should not be so much hatred, hostility, and misunderstanding between the two faiths. Somewhere there must be an answer, and it must be simple and obvious when it is found. As arrogant as it sounds, this author suspects he is the only sane person left in the world. It’s either that, or I’m crazy. Er . . . and please withhold judgement until you have read this article . Th

Noahide Rationalism

Know that Newton was a Noahide . Then study ShamanSTK, a Classical Theist's Theist, Orthodox student of Maimonides, MVR on r/Noahide (Most Valuable Rationalist).    Idolatry is worshiping anything that is not the simple uncaused unity that caused the universe Atheism is a positive position that requires several metaphysical principles to be true On Immortality, Contra Reincarnation How You Know G-d Is Benevolent The History of Noachide Law Noahidism Is Judaism On Conversion   What Is Prophecy? The Kuzari Argument Foundational Coherence   The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument Why the Documentary Hypothesis Is Bunk On Reconciling Evolutionary Theory with G-d   Buddhism, Not Much Different than Other Pagan Religions Christianity is Neoplatonist Polytheism HaShem Is Not a Trinity Ontological Arguments Against the Multiverse Nachman of Breslov   Is G-d Everywhere? The Problem of Evil The Prophet Noah   Contra Kabbalah   Theodicy     Menachem Kellner, esteemed in som

Want to "Understand" G-d? Contemplate His Oneness

This explication of Judaism's Second Principal was discovered on Gentiles for Moses via r/Noahide . Consider it a partial reading list. Classical Theism is a footnote to Deuteronomy 6:4 and 4:35 . " There is a Fundamental of Fundamentals, which is the concept of G-d of historic, classic Torah Judaism. … This Fundamental states that G-d is the only Eternally Pre-existent Absolute Be-ing (Absolute Existence), transcendent in His unlike otherness, the Absolute Incorporeal Unity to Whom no other unity in the universe is similar . G-d is without composition or plurality, objectively or conceptually, One from whatever side you view the matter and by whatever test you examine it. Accidents (i.e., qualities, attributes, relations, circumstances) that are applied to corporeal beings are not applicable to G-d. Combination, separation, place (space), dimension, time, beginning, end, change -- all these are not applicable to G-d. He transcends all of these. G-d is beyond des