Noahide Rationalism
Know that Newton was a Noahide. Then study ShamanSTK, a Classical Theist's Theist, Orthodox student of Maimonides, MVR on r/Noahide (Most Valuable Rationalist).
Idolatry is worshiping anything that is not the simple uncaused unity that caused the universe
Atheism is a positive position that requires several metaphysical principles to be true
On Immortality, Contra Reincarnation
How You Know G-d Is Benevolent
The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
Why the Documentary Hypothesis Is Bunk
On Reconciling Evolutionary Theory with G-d
Buddhism, Not Much Different than Other Pagan Religions
Christianity is Neoplatonist Polytheism
Menachem Kellner, esteemed in some Rationalist circles
The Ultimate Importance of the First Five Principles
Maimonides' Confrontation with Mysticism
“True Religion”: For Jews or All Humanity?
VILs: Very Important Links
The Oneness of G-d in its Purity
Maimonides' Intellectualist Mysticism
The Purpose of Life
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