
Showing posts from July, 2022

Want to "Understand" G-d? Contemplate His Oneness

This explication of Judaism's Second Principal was discovered on Gentiles for Moses via r/Noahide . Consider it a partial reading list. Classical Theism is a footnote to Deuteronomy 6:4 and 4:35 . " There is a Fundamental of Fundamentals, which is the concept of G-d of historic, classic Torah Judaism. … This Fundamental states that G-d is the only Eternally Pre-existent Absolute Be-ing (Absolute Existence), transcendent in His unlike otherness, the Absolute Incorporeal Unity to Whom no other unity in the universe is similar . G-d is without composition or plurality, objectively or conceptually, One from whatever side you view the matter and by whatever test you examine it. Accidents (i.e., qualities, attributes, relations, circumstances) that are applied to corporeal beings are not applicable to G-d. Combination, separation, place (space), dimension, time, beginning, end, change -- all these are not applicable to G-d. He transcends all of these. G-d is beyond des

You, son of man, describe the House to the House of Israel

“I shall give My Sanctuary in their midst forever. My dwelling-place shall be over them. … The nations shall know that I am G‑d who sanctifies Israel , when My Sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forever.”  (Ezekiel 37: 26-28)  “Therefore say to the House of Israel, Thus said the Lord G‑d: I am not doing this for your sake, House of Israel, but for My holy Name which you profaned among the nations wither you came. I shall sanctify My great Name that was profaned among the nations, that you profaned in their midst, and the nations shall know that I am G‑d, says the Lord G‑d, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. I shall take you from the nations, and I shall gather you from all the lands, and I shall bring you to your land.” (Ezekiel 36:22-24)  " This web site is dedicated specifically to every Jew in history who has ever died al qiddush HaShem , no matter who murdered him. As for museums or monuments to their memory, this writer advocates the buildi

Template for the Revolution

Use widely and wisely: I wish to complain about your use of rainbow symbolism. This is the symbol of my faith: Noahides are Gentiles who affirm the truth of Judaism (like Newton ). The following is a thumbnail sketch. I apologize for the length and links, but it’s important that the precise nature of this complaint is understood. It has nothing to do with hatred or bigotry. The Torah is a Revelation from G-d. This is not based on faith: G-d’s existence can be demonstrated , and the historicity of the Sinai Revelation is a function of the Kuzari Principle (the eyewitness testimony of a nation). There is exponentially better evidence for Judaism than any other worldview. It’s helpful not to think of it as a “religion.” It’s the universe we inhabit. The TaNaKh (“Old Testament”) is divided into three sections. The most important is the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). Only the Torah was written by G-d . Moses was His stenographer. It was originally wr

A Noachide's Response to Christianity

The Zionist Conspirator is one of America's great Southern writers. Literary talent pools disproportionately in the bottom half of our country. He's also the Gentile Joshua, a Noachide for 35 years, AKA the Redneck Rastafarian . This was originally posted on Free Republic. Most arguments between Jews and chrstians don't really satisfy anyone on either side because they focus on details -- the eternity of the Torah, the identity of Messiah, the prophecies -- and ignore the big picture of which these things are but details. Be`ezrat HaShem I will call upon my own prior beliefs as a Fundamentalist Protestant to lay out this "big picture" so that, whether the reader agrees or disagrees, he will understand. Fundamentalist Protestants have a strong antinomian streak as a heritage of the Reformation, when Paul's polemics against the Torah were applied by the Reformers to Catholic rituals, laws, observances, and traditions. Thus the Fundamentalist Protesta